Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Completely done-in today. Absolutely manic at work. The lead dev’s final day. Sitting in on interviews for a junior tester, submitting drafts of specification documents, configuring Azure DevOps permissions for new contractors. Not a single line of code written.

The main calamity is the discovery of an oversight in the requirements. The (outgoing) dev, system owner, and the PM don’t seem to care that we keep scoping and delivering work that isn’t fit for purpose. As long as the system is completed on-time and they have a document signed by someone to absolve them of any blame regarding any suitability of requirements, they seem content.

Finished work, had a beer, ate some pie, and read my book.

Made some minor tweaks to the css for the site this evening, sorting out the font sizing and line height for blog posts, but there’s a million more to do, and my css is already in the inevitably disorganised state.