Thursday, July 20, 2023

Today, despite my protests, I was part of an interview panel. We are hiring for a software tester and today was the first interview. To say it was a bad interview would be underselling it. The poor woman being interviewed should never have made it to this stage and the only explanation is an admin error.

It was a complete cringe educing wreck from almost the first 5 minutes. Since it was clear she wasn’t suitable after 10 minutes, I spent most of my effort trying to steer the interview in such a way that didn’t make it too much of an ordeal for her. A delightful experience for all involved.

Website Progress

Updates to the site include getting mermaid diagrams to render, getting code-blocks to format correctly, and umpteen more small typesetting tweaks. We are well into the long tail of it now.

Silly Domains

I had to add another daft domain name to my collection. I had completely missed that .fyi was a TLD and to my surprise, was available. I have no clue what I’ll use it for, perhaps a wonderfully dismissive email address…