Sunday, July 23, 2023

I did manage to get through some of the book I got on Friday, it’s mercifully short so I may even finish it. It isn’t all that relevant to me as it’s heavily aimed at those doing academic research and the like, so I’m not sure it’s going to be of any use to me at all, but I will see what nuggets I can take from it nonetheless.

What reading the book certainly has done so far, is given me the urge to carry around a little notebook everywhere with me again. Which is pretty daft, because I never have anything to note down. I don’t what the name is for this personality quirk I have, but it’s rather silly.

It’s been raining near non-stop for days here, but today the intensity has picked up. The dog is not happy about it, and so, I am not happy about it. I donned all my “waterproofs” and set out this morning for a 90 minute walk. Turns out they aren’t all that waterproof. I got soaked and the Bluetooth earbuds in my pocket had a little bath, and are no longer with us.

I still can’t CSS

It turned out that the code blocks added to the site on Thursday were breaking any list pages they were present on, so this one.

I don’t know why but the the code block div just wouldn’t shrink below a certain width, causing the rest of the content to overflow. I couldn’t get it to work with the layout I had, so I had to change the layout slightly. This is usually what happens when I CSS. Everything works and seems to make sense and then, out of nowhere, bamboozle. It took about 3 hours to “fix” it.

Anyway, it works and looks fine, that’ll have to do.

Google gonna keep on Googling until all there is to Google is Googled

Google are up to their usual bullshit again with this Web Environment Integrity. It all just sound hideous and this lot just aren’t going to stop until everything is ruined.

I stopped using the word “Google” to mean search the internet a long time ago, I might start using it to mean destroy something.