Re-watchable TV

In the last week I have started watching The Expanse. If I continue, this will be my 3rd watch. There aren’t many shows that I can watch again, fewer still more than twice. It got me trying to remember what I’d re-watched.

Several Viewings

Shows that I’ve seen 3 or 4 or more times, start to finish.

The West Wing

I’ve seen The West Wing at least 7 or 8 times, but possibly more. The kind of re-watchable TV for me. Perfectly entertaining actively watching or background TV. A new benefit is that it doesn’t startle the dog, if anything it seems to calm her down. I almost know every episode back to front at this point. It’s not my favourite show, but it is my most watchable.

The Wire

Everything else is far behind… I think I’ve watched The Wire 4 times and might be due another viewing soon. Truly wonderful show. I love how it’s shot and the characters are unrivalled. I admit that I’ve skipped the final season on a couple of run throughs.


A bit of a cheat since there’s barely anything to it. A wonderful show you can get through in no time. If anything, it’s re-watchability is hurt by how memorable the episodes are and how few of them there are.

Parks and Recreation

Starting off as a Mrs Basil’s Re-runs (see below) but becoming something I would happily watch by choice so it gets its own entry here. The classic US comedy cliché: Season 1 is tripe.

Mrs Basil’s Re-runs

This is not counting the shows that Mrs Basil likes to watch over and over and over again, as a form of anxiety treatment. Parks and Recreation, Modern Family, Friends, Schitt’s Creek, etc.

Double Viewings

The Expanse

Soon to graduate up the list. I love the political complexity of the show and the near-ish future and semi-believable baseline of the world it builds. Clunky acting aside, I find it hard not to enjoy getting lost in it.

True Detective S1

A bit of a cheat, but each season lives on its own, so I decided it counts. I re-watched this for the first time last year and was blown away again. Forgot how just incredible it is. I will probably watch it again but likely not for many years.

Band of Brothers

I remember being blown away by this the first time. I’ve only re-watched once but another soon might be on the cards. Although I’ve never seen The Pacific so perhaps that should happen first.

The ones I’ve forgotten about

There’s almost certainly some I’ve forgotten about.

Sort of Double Viewings

Kind of almost more than one viewing, but not really.

The X-Files

I “re-watched” this recently. I’d seen most of it in my childhood but on terrestrial TV so likely missed plenty and forgot even more. A lot of it was like watching for the first time. Will I ever re-watch again. I’d say probably not.

Yes Minister

I’ve probably seen most episodes more than once, but never at once or in any kind of order.

Black Books

I’ve seen most of this at least twice and the bulk of the first 2 seasons 2 or 3 times, but I tend to cherry pick favourites nor and again.