
Digital garden is a bit of a wanky term but it seems to have stuck so why fight it…

My Website: A blog (longer-ish form mundane personal weblog) A microblog (stream of shortform posts) A collection of articles (published essays that were refined from scratchpad notes) A scratchpad of notes (A digital garden, apparently) Some stand-alone pages (home, now, colophon)

I make throwaway remarks in the microblog, posts will get pushed to the fediverse, and will probably have an RSS feed. The content may or may not make it to the scratchpad.

I create, update, and delete notes in the scratchpad. These updates won’t be broadcast in a feed of any kind, but they may be mentioned in a daily note which will be placed in the blog

The blog will be shortish informal writing of a personal nature that will also include mentions of anything I had been thinking about, with links into the scratchpad. These will have an RSS feed and may get pushed into the fediverse.

On occasion, notes in the scratchpad will be compiled and refined and edited into an essay. This will be published to the article section, which will have an RSS feed and be pushed to the fediverse. There’s no “draft essays” because up until the moment they are published, they’ll be in the scratchpad.

I think this means the folder structure of the content will look like:

scratch/ microblog/ blog/